Friday, October 16, 2009


Friday at last!

It has been one of those weeks. Libby has struggled daily with a poor attitude and Ally has been getting one also. This morning I find that Oliver got Libby's glasses and chewed the lenses out! So we began the day with a trip to the eye doctor for some temporary repairs and sceduled and eye exam for Monday.

I spent the day more or less doing all Libby's lessons one on one with her and she did her best to keep a positive attitude. Ally and Austin also had a great day. Maybe we can do this yet!

Off to make calzone for dinner.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A New Beginning

Taking some time to set up a new blog to journal everyday life.

This is the season of our lives where we are fulfilling our obligations to raise our children as God commands us. For us, it is a belief that we are called to homeschool them. And for the last 5 years, it has been an adventure.